
My favorite place

 First, I love my house. I can watch TV, play games, do internet surfine, cook, take a bath, sleep in my bed and so on home. And I talk about a daily conversation with my family. I think it is very important to communicate with my mother, my father, my grandmother, my sister and my brother becouse this thing lead me to enhance speeking capacity. And my house is only healing place for me. I don't need to feel anxious. This is why I like my house very much.
 The second favorite place is school becouse I mainly can study English and communicate with a lot of friends. I think it is very important to make friends because if troubles happened, we help each other. And I often go to a bakery. There are many breads, a curry bread, melon bread,chocorate bread and so on. The other, salad, cookie and ice cream! I enjoy eating these foods while talking with my friend every lunch time. Spending my favorite scool, I'm enjoying my school life.
  I think that I want to continue to look for my favrite place in the future...

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1 件のコメント:

  1. I love my home too♡.
    I think very important communicate with family.
