Work! Work! Work!... (p.2)
This story is Charles Dickens' very famous Christmas story. Scrooge sees a ghot then he becomes a happy man.
It was Christmas Eve. Ebenezer Scrooge was working in his office. He was stubborn and had a character not to laugh. He did not like anything. He especialy hated Christmas.
One night, when Scooge was at hoom, he had a suprise visit... Ghost!! Then one after another, three more ghosts visited him. They tell him establish his life's course. Then he make and effort to change his character.
Then, some people laughes at him because he had changed, but scrooge let hen laugh, he did not wind. He knew that there are always people who laugh when good things start happening in the world.
Christmas is my favorite event. This story is unique, very interesting. I read this story and was made to think. I intend to spend it with a smile every day.
A Christmas Carol (2002), CHARLES ICKENS,Annie Hughes and Melanie Williams
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