He went trip alone, But at last, the saw a big, black rock, "ah! I can shelter there," he thought, suddenly, John heard a noise coming from inside the cave. And he could hear voices babies voices! "Wahhh!" They cried. "We're hungry!" John quickly picked up the fish and cut it inhalt. He threw both halves into the cave. "Here! Eat these!" Then he was almost asleep when a giant shadow fell over him. John looked up, A troll! Atroll was gentle. She said "I want to thank you for feeding my children." Then the troll took John into her cave and looked after him, giant.
If I can meet a giant character, I want to meet a gentle giant as a one piece cheracter. I have a dream of like that.
207 words
Rawson, Christopher (2001) Story of GIANTS. England : Usborne Young Reading
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